Online Basketball Training

Benefit from detailed video breakdowns, personalized weekly training routines, and unlimited access for all your basketball questions. Get started now!

Why choose us

Unlock your potential with Hoops Academy Canada's Online Basketball Training. Gain exclusive access to Head Trainer Ali Abo Saada for personalized weekly virtual sessions and consultation.

Expert Coaching

Elevate your skills with personalized guidance from experienced basketball professionals.

Innovative Training

Stay ahead with cutting-edge techniques and training strategies for optimal development.

Proven Results

Join a community of athletes achieving success through our effective programs.

ali abo saada and an athlete looking at a phone during a basketball training session

Online Training System​

Elevate your game with our online training program.

Elevate your skills with our online training. Get personalized coaching 5 days a week. Receive tailored feedback during interactive coaching calls. Receive access to a large library of drills. All customized to your unique needs for success.

Customized Training Experience

Tailored to Your Basketball Journey

Elevate your skills with our personalized approach. We consider factors like age, training time, season, and skill level to craft a unique training plan just for you. Specialize in challenging areas like jump shooting with our comprehensive system to completely rebuild your shooting form.

hoops academy canada's online basketball training system on mobile

Online Basketball Training Inquiry Form

Or Train With Us In Person!

Unleash Your Potential. Elevate Your Game. Register for personalized 1-on-1 or group basketball training now!

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